Key Facts & Figures
Type Weekend
Language English
Duration 6 years
Facilities On campus and online
Men & women Segregated seats
Class days Sat. - Sun.
Class times 10pm - 3pm
Start date September
The course is unique, from many perspectives, but in particular from the perspective of providing equal opportunity and qualifications for both male and female students.
Classical curriculum
Classic works of the Islamic sciences will be taught with the classical method of Darse Nizami. This is a study curriculum used in many Islamic institutions, which is originated in the subcontinent in the 18th century and now taught in all parts of the world.
- Ādāb
- ʿAqīdah
- Arabic
- Arabic Calligraphy
- Fiqh
- Hadīth
- Naḥw
- Qur’an Studies
- Ṣarf
- Sīrah
- Tajwīd
- ʿAqīdah
- Arabic
- Arabic Literature & Grammar
- Fiqh
- Hadīth
- Naḥw
- Qur’an Studies
- Ṣarf
- Tajwīd
- ʿAqīdah
- Arabic Literature & Grammar
- Fiqh
- Hadīth
- Naḥw
- Qur’an Grammar
- Qur’an Studies
- Usūl al-Fiqh
- Usūl al-Tafsīr
- ʿAqīdah
- Balāghah
- Farāʾiḍ
- Fiqh
- Hadīth
- Tafsīr
- Usūl al-Fiqh
- Usūl al-Tafsīr
- Qur’an Studies
- Jāmiʿ al-Tirmidhī
- Sunan ibn Abī Dāwūd
- Sunan al-Nasāʾī
- Sunan ibn Mājah
- Qur’an Studies
- Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī
- Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim
- Jāmiʿ al-Tirmidhī
Our teachers
- Sh. Muftī Sāqib al-Shāmī Al-Qādirī
- Sh. Moḥammed Kalīm Al-Azharī Al-Qādirī
- Sh. Sayyid Usāma Bukhārī
- Ustd. ʿAbd al-Ḥalīm al-Ḥijāzī
Students abroad
Students around the world have the possibility to join the course from their homeland. They will take virtual part in the classes with other students who are joining the lessons at our campus in Manchester, United Kingdom.