Key Facts & Figures
Type Evening
Language English
Duration 2 years
Facilities On campus
Men & women Segregated seats
Class days Mon. - Fri.
Class times 5pm - 7pm
Start date September
A two years Islamic foundation course for essential knowledge to live and practice your faith with confidence in the modern world. This course is for Boys and girls from 13 years old.
- Arabic Language & Grammar
- ʿAqīdah
- Fiqh & Morals
- Forty Aḥādīth of al-Nawawī
- History
- Politics
- Sīrah
- Social Philosophy & Law
- Quran studies
- Tajwīd
Our teachers
- Sh. Muftī Sāqib al-Shāmī Al-Qādirī
- Barrister Muʿīn al-Zamān al-Aʿẓamī
Our references in the Sacred Chains